
Showing posts from April, 2019

Breakthrough Movie...Is There a Purpose?

My church family and I watched the new movie, Breakthough this evening.  I always tell people that I refuse to watch sad movies because I'm an empathetic crier.  I can go to a funeral for someone I don't even know, but if I hear one sniffle or see one person crying, I'm lost.  So as I watched this movie and saw the mother crying over her child that had been declared dead, I almost lost it.  I'm talking ugly crying- snot, lots of tears, and sobs.  I held it together, but I cried for another reason.  Many of you know that my family has been on quite the journey for the last couple of years.  My daughter struggled through epilepsy.  At one point, as she was life-flighted to Children's Hospital, the staff at the small hospital treating the initial seizure didn't think she would survive the flight.   I don't want to give any spoilers for the movie, but watching the mother's fear and grief brought back very real feelings.  I remember the ride in the ambul

I'm Thankful for the Scars...

Have you ever been hurt badly enough that you didn't feel like you would ever truly heal?  I can tell you that I've had many hurts in my life.  A lot of the time, the ones who've hurt me were not even aware they did anything.  So through time, prayer, and God's grace, I forgave and moved on with my life, but there was sometimes a scar that remained.  When I was in college, I received a severe burn on my arm from the hot water spigot of an industrial coffee maker.  As a waitress, I was preparing a cup of hot tea and was dispensing water in the cup when someone called my name.  As I looked away, I moved my arm causing the scalding water to pour down my arm.  Needless to say, I received a very, bad burn.  It took weeks to heal, and to this day, there remains a scar on that arm. It is very light and almost undetectable, but it's still there.  Do you have scars from your past that may not be noticeable most of the time, but on a really rough day, come to the surfac

Help! I'm Under Attack! (Four Things the Enemy Does to Defeat You)

Have you ever felt like everywhere you turn, something is going wrong?  You're trying to serve God, but it seems that for every step you take forward, it ends up two steps back.  This has happened before in my life.  I remember when I was just finishing my freshman year in college and had returned home for the summer to work at a local bank.  I had woke up feeling pretty good.  The previous week, I was a victim to a stray rock, a child that was bored in the parking lot of my church, and my poor unsuspecting rear window of my car.  So financially I was hurting, but I felt things would look up soon.  With this happy outlook, I dressed and headed out the door to work, only to realize that I had left the keys to my car on the table.  This wouldn't be bad except for the fact that my parents had already left for work, and my house key was connected to my car key.  I knew the widows to my parents' house were either too high off the ground or too small for me to shimmy through,

The Circle Maker-part 4 (The Power of But)

If you have been following along with the book study on,  The Circle Maker , then hopefully, you have been as challenged as the ladies in my group.  This last week we covered chapter seven and eight.  It started with the question asked of Moses by God before God supplied the miracle of the quail for Israel.  God asked, " Is there a limit to My power? "   God wanted Moses to think about the size of his problems compared to the size of his God.   Remember, God had already performed the miracles of freeing Israel from pharaoh, parting the Red sea, providing a pillar of fire by night to see, and supplying manna in the desert.  That's quite a list.  If God could do that, could He not do something bigger?  As Moses began to see God come through for him, his prayers got bigger and more confident.  It is the same way with our prayers.   Batterson quoted God from Isaiah 55:9, " As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts t