Breakthrough Movie...Is There a Purpose?

My church family and I watched the new movie, Breakthough this evening. I always tell people that I refuse to watch sad movies because I'm an empathetic crier. I can go to a funeral for someone I don't even know, but if I hear one sniffle or see one person crying, I'm lost. So as I watched this movie and saw the mother crying over her child that had been declared dead, I almost lost it. I'm talking ugly crying- snot, lots of tears, and sobs. I held it together, but I cried for another reason. Many of you know that my family has been on quite the journey for the last couple of years. My daughter struggled through epilepsy. At one point, as she was life-flighted to Children's Hospital, the staff at the small hospital treating the initial seizure didn't think she would survive the flight. I don't want to give any spoilers for the movie, but watching the mother's fear and grief brought back very real feelings. I remember the ...