A Dog-Sized Fall, a Break, and a Fire

My son brought home a grand dog, Ruger. My husband and I spoil him, just like a grandbaby. My weakness is sneaking him snacks off my plate. At this point, sneaking is the wrong word. When I'm eating, he'll sit at my feet, drooling huge strings of drool and blowing spit bubbles, like Pavlov's dogs. My husband's weakness is playing laser pointer with the dog. He'll wait until it's dark outside and proceed to create a laser show Ruger cannot resist. This leads me to the point of my story and why I have a dog head- shaped bruise on my calf. My husband zoomed him around our yard a few times until I reminded him that he needed to take him to potty. I personally walked out to encourage him to do his business. I finally said I was going inside while my husband zoomed him again. I told him to stop playing and come inside. What I didn't notice was the laser pointer following me. Guess where I'm going with this. My husband stopped the laser behind me; however, R...