Charmed, I'm sure...

"I'm just going to find a chair and sit down."  That was the comment my husband made as I took my daughters shopping this weekend.  As we walked by his resting place, I noticed the glazed look in his eyes.  When he noticed I was watching, he would smile brightly and say, "take your time.  I'm great!"  Like a game of Survivor, we outlasted my husband.  He took his little shopping bag and drove home in defeat as we continued our quest.  However, as I entered the hallowed halls of Hobby Lobby, I soon found that I would not be the winner of the shopping edition of Survivor.  I think I walked the aisles four times.  I rolled on essential oils from tester tubes, sniffed candles, and admired pictures of Jesus until I felt I would meet Him soon if we remained much longer in the store.  All the while my girls were no where to be seen.  I started to worry those crazy mom thoughts, "What if someone kidnapped them!"  Finally logic won, and I called my daughter's phone.  She answers in that "Duh mom" voice that teenagers have perfected, " We're in the charm section."  I found them both sitting on the floor in front of hundreds of charms for necklaces.  They had decided that they wanted to remember the day with special charm necklaces.  After another twenty minutes, I was sitting on the floor with my own glazed expression.  I found myself agreeing to anything just in hopes that we could soon leave.  What I didn't realize was that I had told one of my daughter's that a bejeweled elephant with an initial "e" for elephant would be a great memento of this day.  I finally came to and talked her into at least switching out the "e" for  her initial in her name.  So this made me think...
how many times do we go through the motions in our spiritual lives becoming unaware of what's going on around us?  In John 6:8, Jesus sees a crowd coming toward Him and asks His disciples where they will get the food to feed the crowd.  Phillip mentions that it would take eight months wages to feed the crowd.  But Andrew saw a boy in the crowd with five small barley loaves and two small fish.  We know that Jesus once again did a miracle and fed five thousand with food to spare.  What if Andrew had not been looking for opportunities for God to move?  What if his spiritual eyes had glazed over, and he became unaware of what was going on around him?  We have to be careful in our walk with God that we don't allow the struggles and busyness in our lives to overcome us.  Lord, make us aware of the opportunities around us to reveal Your goodness and mercy!  Have a great week, high-heeled warriors!


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