You'll burn your eyes out!

One of the most iconic movie lines ever quoted in the history of motherhood has to be, "You'll shoot your eye out!"  That line from A Christmas Story made even more sense as I watched my teenage son preparing to put on an impromptu Buffalo Bill Wild West Show in my back yard.   Every worst case scenario paraded through my thoughts as my danger detector went on high alert.  I believe the infamous phrase even crept out of my mouth before I could stop it.

This brings me to the current event that swept our nation today.  A solar eclipse sent our nation into a frenzy of expensive hotel reservations, pricey rental cars, and back yard tent rentals.  The nation gathered together to view a rare natural wonder.  Only one restriction was given.  Do not look directly at the sun!  As a shadow fell across our landscape, grown adults with perfectly rational minds felt the pull toward temptation.  What would one tiny glimpse hurt?  It made me think about our spiritual lives.  Don't we do the same thing.  We give up our God-given victories for one tiny glimpse at temptation.  Each of us have our own temptations that we know keep us wounded, weak, or just indifferent to what's going on around us.  I was challenged today to resist the pull toward things in my life that weaken me and remember that danger is not always recognized until you are in the middle of it.  Stand strong this week all of you high-heeled warriors!


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