Everyone Needs A Hero...

     Recently, I was looking through some old photographs.  I know, in this day of digital technology, saying that I was looking at photographs is like saying that I was sending a telegraph.  But alas, a photo was found.  This was my little Captain America from Halloween almost ten years ago.  I remember asking my son how he would fly, and he put his hands up to the little wings on his face mask and wiggled them.  Now, as I look back, I get the typical mommy response.  Denial.  It couldn't have already been ten years.  Then as though I were reading a Nicholas Spark's book, weeping ensues.  My baby is growing up.  Not to say that he couldn't put on a Captain America suit and carry a chicken nugget bag, but at twelve, it's just not the same.  At twenty-three, it will be down-right weird.  I've thought of how fast time goes by.  We all get so caught up in the details of mommy survival that we sometimes forget to bask in the beauty of the moment.  All too soon, the moment has passed and a picture is all that's left.  
    This reminded me of something I came across earlier this week.  As I was driving through town, 
I came across a grown man wearing a Captain America hoodie.  It was one of those with the mask that covers the eyes.  He even had a shield.  I had to do a double-take because it's not every day you come across Captain America.  A person's first response is why would a grown man be dressed as a super hero.  The man was totally unashamed.  I felt God challenging me.  Just as I've noticed time flying by with the growth of my children, time is flying by for each one of us.  We have such a limited time on this planet.  Why do we spend so much of it afraid to do anything for God because it might embarrass us or make us uncomfortable?  We know a true super hero who saved mankind in one selfless act.  Shouldn't we be unashamed to tell the world?  We may not dress in a Jesus costume, but we can certainly walk down the street reflecting Him in our actions and words.  Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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