I Survived the 5K! (You pick what I do next!)

The day of reckoning arrived on Saturday.  I have been using the Couch to 5K app for the last 3 weeks.  It has shown me right on target to run a 5K.  The only problem is that I'm on target to run it in another 4 weeks.  Hmmmm.  I didn't let this stop me.  I got up bright and early for my inaugural run.  My lack of training wasn't stopping me, but the 27 degrees cold almost did.  I put on a pair of running tights, then another pair of pants, socks, a tank top, t-shirt, hoodie, jacket, and a beanie to top it off.  Still cold.  Everyone said, "You'll warm up once you start running."  Everyone was wrong.  I was freezing, but I wasn't backing down.  When we started running, all of the little jr. high and high school kids dashed off in front of me.  I decided to use the tortoise and hare principle.  I started my jog and stayed steady as I was passed by hordes of little teeny-boppers, one being my own daughter.  One thing had to happen.  I had to beat her.  I trudged on, and as I got into the first 10 minutes, the young ones started dropping like flies.  This is where I insert a maniacal laugh.  One of my daughter's teachers was following my same philosophy of trudging along.  We took turns passing each other.  Now I had another goal.  I had to beat him, too.  I felt a little giggle escape as I passed my daughter.  I made sure to sound encouraging, though, with a "You're doing great!  Keep up the good work!"  Inside I was thinking, "Who's the old lady now?"  I say this because one of my daughters made sure to point out to the officials that my tag showing my age bracket was wrong, and I was actually much older than it said.  They moved me to the oldest bracket.  Thank you, daughter!  Little guys kept passing me, then stopping in front of me to chat.  I would pass them, then the cycle would continue.  Grrrr.  So I felt like I would die towards the end.  My legs were screaming, but I knew the final bridge was not that far away.  Finally, like a beacon in the night, I saw the final bridge.  I started to pick up my tired pace.  When the finish line was in sight, I noticed one of the little squirts that kept passing me, only to walk in front of me, was on my tail.  I couldn't let him win.  So a Chariots of Fire race broke out at the finish line.  I stretched my legs, flung my arms and ran with all that was within me, and I beat him.  Maybe it wasn't such an amazing feat considering he was probably only twelve, but I felt so alive.  I finished second place in my age division!!!  Let's not focus on the fact that there were only 4 women in my age division.  I finished the race and didn't die!  And I beat the teacher and my daughter!  Yay!  I started thinking about Hebrews 11:1 that mentions faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Even though I couldn't see that bridge towards the end, I knew it was there.  It was what I was hoping for and because of my hope, I wouldn't quit.  We know God's promises are true.  Even though we can't always see Him, He is faithful and will complete what He starts.  That's why we don't give up.  We can finish this race!

So what's next?  I'll let you guys decide.  Give me ideas of things (within reason) for me to try, and I'll put your ideas in a hat and pull one out at a time.  Then I'll blog about how my new experiences are going.  Let me know what next adventure I will be on and have a great week high-heeled warriors!


  1. Love it! You go for it! Love reading your blog!

  2. Eyvette, I am voting for a 10K. Congratulations on the 5K. I always struggled running in Arkansas in the cold. I can tolerate it a bit better here in Utah


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