Wild Run (Me and a goat!)

This week has been the biggest challenge of my training.  Just when I thought I was doing great, I was infected by my dear husband.  I got this upper-respiratory junk that made it hard to run and breath at the same time.  My first run of the week, I pushed through the pain and ran.  Not too bad.  By the next run as I watched it rain outside, I knew that I wouldn't make it, so my husband suggested going to the gym to run on a treadmill.  I weakly agreed.  When we walked into the nice, warm gym, I thought what a great idea!  When my GPS on my From Couch to 5 K app wouldn't activate, I thought what a horrible idea.  I knew that without the app, I would have to do an extra run to get credit for this week.  Grrrrr!  The the big lug who gave me the nasty cold totally came through for me.  My husband grabbed my phone and walked outside.  Picture this.  It was dark and the treadmills face the windows.  The windows are at the front of the gym where busy traffic drives by at all hours.  My husband is walking back and forth in front of the window and giving me finger signals for how long I need to walk that way the app would activate.  I'm sure people probably thought he had lost it walking back and forth in front of a gym.  Maybe he couldn't afford membership.  I was laughing so hard I could hardly stay on the treadmill.  I waved him in and the app magically worked.  I plowed away at my circuit and felt I had done really well until the end when my distance was shown.  Instead of my rabbit, it gave me a turtle!  How could that be?  I worked harder than usual.  Then it occurred to me that I had the phone on the treadmill.  Was it not showing the correct distance because it was not in my hand?  The next run made was two days later.  I was still struggling with my sickness, but not giving up.  I ran the circuit at my house.  It was beginning to rain.  As I ran in the backyard, I noticed our goat running back and forth beside me.  I wasn't sure if he wanted to support me or mate with me.  He spits and makes lewd expressions, so you can't be too sure.  So as you can see by the picture, I ran with wild animals grunting and sniffing at me.  My phone was tucked safely in my hoodie pocket to protect it from rain.  What was my symbol at the end of the run?  You guessed it.  A turtle.  I was really getting mad at this app.  By my third run, I had visited the doctor and gotten a steroid shot and some antibiotics.  Feeling better, if not a little sore in the hip, I decided to check out the course for my run on Saturday.  I made sure to hold the phone, and I ran my little heart out.  And I ran...and I ran...and I ran...and I walked...and towards the end, I think I crawled.  It was much longer than I thought it would be.  But at least I got my rabbit symbol back for all the misery I went through.  So I have two more training runs, and I face the big run on Saturday.  No snakes or goats, hopefully.  I will make it, even if I have to crawl towards the end.  

Sometimes in your walk with God, don't you feel like you're crawling.  When we're first saved, we are jumping, skipping, and hopping down that path.  But when life comes at you, sometimes crawling is the best you can do.  If you're in the crawling point, don't give up.  The path won't always be hard, and the whole time you follow that path your life takes, Jesus is right beside you lifting you up and cheering you on!  Wish me luck high-heeled warriors!  


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