You're training to do what?!!

No, my friends.  I am not training to be a pirate!  Today, our church and another church joined together to do a fall festival.  Of course, anytime I have the chance to dress up in a costume, I jump at the chance.  So needless to say, to the embarrassment of my children, I ahoyed my way around the park.  I love the chance to embarrass my children.  I feel that all the times I walked through Walmart with my children whining or crying has given me the right to bring a little taste of that embarrassment to my children.  Heehee.  But many are wondering why I am training.  My children are all athletes at Cotter Public Schools.  This year, all the athletes are required to run in a 5 K run.  I have never ran a 5K, and I haven't ran in years.  I felt now is the time to get active, so I signed myself up for a 5K at the end of this month.  One of my friends laughed at me when I told her my plans.  I believe her response was and I quote, "Have you ever ran a 5K.  Do you know how long a 5K is?"  I had to humbly say, "no."  She then recommended an app for my phone called From Couch to 5K.  I started my first day yesterday.  I felt I did pretty good for being as out of shape as I am.  Today, I did not feel so good.  My feet were screaming at me in my pirate boots.  I am going to be training over the next few weeks and letting you know my progress.  I am also going to let you know if this app is worth the time.  So cheer me on!  I try to bring every post back to something Biblical for you to think about through the week.  As I ran through the park yesterday, I thought of how I Corinthians 9:24  talks about in a race how all runners run, but only one gets a prize.  Run in such a way to get the prize.  In this day and age where everyone gets a participation trophy, we lose some of the impact of that Scripture.  When I run this 5K, I would like to do well.  What is the point of all of this training if I'm going to not finish or barely pass the finish line.  As Christians, don't just barely pass the finish line.  Run the race with purpose doing all you can for God.  Make your life count while you're here and win the prize in the end!
     So friends, if any of you want to accept my challenge, join with me this month in training for a 5K, even if it is just running it on your own.  Leave me comments on how it is going for you and encourage friends that want to get in better shape to join with you.  I'd love to hear from you as we train to run this race!  Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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