Blue Lights In My Review Mirror and The Big Reveal

I had something happen to me this week that brings dread into every driver.  I passed a police officer coming back from one of my stops at my job.  I didn't think anything of it because I was going the speed limit.  And then the horrible happened, I saw blue lights in my rear view mirror.  Why is it that you are never close to somewhere to pull over when the lights come on?  I had to wait for the light to change for the cars in front of me to move.  So I'm sitting in line at the light with a police car, lights flashing, behind me.  When the light changed and I came upon a side road, I pulled off.  The problem was that the car in front of me thought the police car was for him.  Hmmm. Feeling guilty?  He pulls over on the only spot I could have pulled over, so I had to pass that car and pull into a used car lot's parking lot.  Two guys were detailing cars, so I'm sure I entertained them.  The police officer comes up and asks if it is my car.  I, of course, say yes.  Then I find out that my tags are a month expired!  I didn't even notice.  I try to throw my husband under the bus and let the police officer know that he was the one who takes care of registration.  The police officer asks for my proof of insurance.  Uh oh!  He obviously has not seen my glove compartment.  I open the glove compartment to an over-stuffed mess.  My hands are now shaking, and I'm trying my best to stay calm.  I grab a handful of papers and start to go through them while the nice police officer waits...and waits... and waits.  He asks if I know my insurance company.  I told him we had just switched and there had to be a card in the pile of expired cards somewhere.  He then proceeded to lean through the window and try to help me find the card.  He would point and say, "Is that it?"  I would respond, "No, that's an old one."  "How about that one?"  "No."  "Have you checked in that black folder?"  "It's not in there."  "How about that one?"  It almost became comical.  Finally, at the end of the stack, I proudly held up my current insurance card.  He took it and ran my information.  He was really nice because he only gave me a warning, and I did the responsible thing and got my tags right away.  But this made me think how easy it is for us to forget to keep our eyes open for what's going on around us.  Song of Solomon 2:15 mentions that the little foxes spoil the vineyard.  For most of us, that means absolutely nothing, but when you think about it, foxes sneak in and damage things.  If we aren't paying attention to our spiritual lives, little things can sneak in, and we find ourselves struggling because we were unprepared.  We have to stay diligent to keep our eyes on Jesus and stay on the path of following Him.  Otherwise, you may find yourself pulled over on the road to your life with a pile of mess you have to dig through to make things right.
The Big Reveal!!!!!!
I've asked my friends to give me ideas of new things I should do.  I've mentioned that I will take your ideas and pull one out of a box to try.  So without further notice, the next thing I will be doing is.........drum roll please......learning an instrument I don't know how to play and playing it in public.  So stay tuned.  I have to find the instrument, learn to play it well enough that I don't embarrass myself too badly.  I will perform in mid-December, so follow my progress.  It will definitely be interesting.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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