Thankful For Catnaps

I think the picture of my cat sums up my week.  Have you ever felt like you were just drifting through trying to catch a little rest somewhere?  My son has been in a basketball tournament all week, so between supporting him, trying to make it through piles of never-ending laundry, working on my new instrument (not telling what it is yet!), and preparing food for our church's Thanksgiving potluck and youth bake sale, I've felt a little worn down.  My husband and I entertained our church with our superior acting skills (we had to read from our scripts).  We portrayed a couple that was gathering around the table for Thanksgiving.  The wife seemed to focus on everything she didn't have.  The turkey was dry, plates and silverware not good enough, and the pie overcooked.  Meanwhile, the husband was trying to give thanks in prayer with his wife complaining the whole time.  It was a fun part to play, but made me think about how I go to God in prayer.  At the end of the basketball  games, students pray.  Some do the Lord's prayer, but we have one student who just says whatever is on his mind.  We sometimes hold our breath because we don't know what will come out.  I'm waiting for him to say, "Thanks for helping us win this game," which wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that the opposing team is joined in prayer with them.  What I like about his prayer is the fact that he is genuine.  God knows what's on your mind.  He understands your pain, hurt, devotion, and love.  When we have the freedom to come to God honestly with what is in our hearts, we've taken steps to letting God have the problems we face.  I heard a guy on the radio talking about a song he wrote.  He mentioned a sermon his pastor had preached.  The pastor said a defining statement.  "If God answered your prayer request right now, would it benefit anyone but you?"  We are entering Thanksgiving where we focus on what we have, not what we don't have.  But wouldn't it be great if we focused on what others don't have.  We have food, shelter, the love of God who isn't intimidated when we are honest with Him, but loves us anyway.  What about others in your life?  Do they have those things?  How could you change that?  This Thanksgiving, let's show our thankfulness by showing God's grace, mercy, and love.  By the way, I'm thankful for the wonderful nap I got after our church's potluck!  Have a wonderful and thanks-full Thanksgiving high heeled warriors!


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