In Your Underwear and Afraid

Let me guess.  You probably thought I am reviewing a new reality series like Naked and Afraid.  Not this time.  My son is a senior this year, so we are facing a daunting task for parents of seniors- applying for scholarships.  Advice for parents of freshman and up:  Start looking now.  There are scholarships out there that pay a lot of money and will take applications from freshman to seniors.  We did not know this, so we have just started the long and exhausting process.  My son has had several successes.  He got to meet President Clinton due to winning second place  in one scholarship contest.  No money but a great picture.  He is going to compete at state in an essay contest he entered.  But currently, he is competing in an oratorical contest.  This is a contest where he has to give a memorized ten minute speech about the Constitution in front of crowds of people.  He did his first practice speech locally.  We didn't find out he had to memorize it until the night before, and he finished writing the night before.  As he stood nervously in front of a crowd (several were his former teachers), I could see the fear.  You hear people say that if you picture your audience in their underwear that you will be less afraid.  I think that might make me more afraid.  Heehee.  But he stood and delivered.  When he would forget a section, he would pause, stutter, and look at me quickly.  But then he would recover and move on.  In the end, he did great for his first time.  We knew he has a lot of work ahead of him, but he's off to a great start.  

This brought me to my thoughts tonight.  How many times have you faced fears that feel overwhelming- like your not strong enough to survive them? You're doing great and then, WHAM, you're not!  You struggle, look for answers, stutter your way through life.  But my son's speech got me thinking.  When he panicked, his eyes searched for the one who could encourage him, stand with him, and let him know it would be okay- me.  When we are in that moment of struggle, what if our eyes searched for the One who is with us always, who never leaves us or forsakes us, who tells us that He works all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  My son's speech was entitled, What If?  So I ask you, what if God was the one you ran to when trouble hits?  What if?  Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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