Snow!!! I Need Bread and Milk Now!!!!!!

Anyone who lives in Arkansas knows that the last couple of years has been a little skimpy when it comes to snow.  My children have done that snow chant late at night with visions of snow days dancing in their heads, only to wake up to completely dry streets and news that the front moved past us.  So when we see a few flakes begin to fall, chaos breaks out.  Can I get an amen from those in Arkansas?  As a pastor, my husband gets the phone calls asking if church will be cancelled.  We usually have to say we haven't even gotten an 1/8 inch of snow yet.  But today was the exception.  Today, snow fell.  Now don't get me wrong.  It wasn't five feet of snow or even one foot of snow.  But it was enough to cancel school.  My children wandered around in a trance not quite sure whether to trust the phone call from the school or not.  But yes, Virginia, there is a snow day.  Now everyone is trapped in their homes hoping that they have prepared properly for the one day we may be stuck inside.  The grocery stores were slammed with people frantically shopping for milk and bread.  Why do we feel the need for those particular staples when it snows?  I can picture someone saying, "I'm lactose intolerant, but I feel the need for milk."  I've even found myself grabbing a bag of hot dog buns simply because there were no loaves of bread.  I wasn't even planning on eating hot dogs!  When we feel the stress of a storm brewing, we tend to join the masses in panic.  So my question for you you find yourself getting swept up in the chaos surrounding you?  You may have been perfectly calm and then, a family member or coworker enters with stress or drama and before you know it, you are joining the panic and chaos.  There have been times when I ask myself, "Why am I even talking about this?  I should be praying or speaking something positive."  But it is so easy to fall into step instead of standing firm.  My challenge for you this week is to take a stand instead of following along with the masses.  It may not be popular, but right is not always popular.  Jesus stood when everyone else caved.  I would love to be one that stands next to Him doing the right thing!  If you are trapped in your house during the snow day, my family (Homebound Worship Team)  has recorded a worship service you are invited to join. Here's the link:  Have a great snow day high-heeled warriors!


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