Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!

You might be wondering why I am posting a day early.  Tomorrow is the big day when I drive my daughter down to Arkansas Children's Hospital for a VEEG.  Megan has epilepsy and is now a possible candidate for brain surgery.  It is really scary, but also it is a chance for her to live a life seizure-free.  The hospital hopes to catch three seizures on video and then do an MRI to see if the seizures are in part of her brain that is operable.  So Megan and I will be hanging out for the next few days in a hospital room catching up on whatever it is that teen girls like to watch.  This got me thinking about our brains.  They are so complex.  Our brains contain over 86 billion nerve cells or neurons.  They are connected by trillions of connections or synapses.  When information is passed down the synapses, it can move at around 250 mph.  Why the science lesson you may ask, and what does this have to do with cake?  Our Creator made our brains to process large amounts of information, create artistic masterpieces, and solve complicated problems with ease.  Yet these intricate organs can be extremely fragile.  One small misfire can create the issue my daughter has been fighting.  Thinking about what we are about to go through triggered a thought in my brain from a few weeks ago.  My husband was asked to perform a wedding for a couple in our church.  They were on a limited budget, so I volunteered to make the wedding cake.  I didn't think it would be too big of a deal until I started decorating it.  I've watched Cake Boss and every other Netflix cake decorating show, so how hard could it be, right?  What I didn't figure in was the busyness of my schedule.  We had one thing after another come up.  On top of making the cake, my teenagers had a bake sale.  Guess who did the baking?  So around 10 pm the night before the wedding, I starting decorating the cake. Truth be told, it can actually be relaxing in the beginning, but when it nears midnight and the giddiness sets in, I didn't feel so relaxed.  I had finally gotten a smooth surface and all of the edible pearls on when I turned to get something beside the cake.  I had made a big gash through the icing.  My hand had already cramped from squeezing an icing bag, and I was finally realizing how fragile this cake was.  At about 12:30 pm, I was victorious.  It might not have been super professional, but it wasn't half bad.  This made me think about our Creator.  Imagine how pleased He was to form us.  We look perfect, but inside, we are fragile.  Then life happens, a rough patch appears.  Just as I turned the cake on the pedestal to smooth out the rough lines, God gently works to smooth our rough patches.  He lovingly repairs the problems and spends an inordinate amount of time in every detail of our lives.  He stands back and smiles.  Beautiful.  My cake might not have been beautiful to the world's standards.  There are plenty of people who could have made a better one, but this was my cake.  I made it.  I was pleased with it, no matter what others may have thought.  God created you.  He stands back.  You may not think you look perfect.  Maybe you don't compared to the world's standards, but you are His child.  He made you.  And He loves you and enjoys being with you because you are His creation.  So sometimes these earth suits don't always work perfect.  Sometimes we may not always act perfect, but we are a complex creation of a skilled Master Creator who has every intention of taking care of what is His.  By the way, the cake tasted great!  Have a great week high-heeled warrior!  Keep us in your prayers!


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