To The Parents of a Child With Special Needs....From God

I have survived spending almost a complete week in the hospital with my daughter.  We were waiting for the VEEG to capture three seizures in order to have an MRI performed.  After days of sleep deprivation on her and my part, walking a treadmill until midnight (her part), and blacking out from exhaustion (my part), she finally had three seizures.  During this hospital captivity, I had a lot of time to think and listen.  After the first three days of non-stop HGTV, I thought I might scream.  I like the Property Brothers as much as the next person, but I could only handle so much renovation.  I started thinking about how many parents were sitting in hospital rooms just like mine feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and beat up.  So for all of those parents out there who are struggling as they dedicate their lives to supporting their child with special needs, this is for you from God.

What your child is going through is not your fault.  You may think, "What if I had done something different?  What if?"  Your child is one of My prized creations.  I knit them together in their mother's womb.  I wouldn't entrust them to just anyone.  I gave them someone who would encourage them when the world is negative.  I gave them a protector that would stand up for them when they are too fragile to stand up for themselves.  I gave them someone who would love them regardless of what they can or cannot do.  I gave them someone who would treasure them as I treasure them.  I gave them someone who is strong enough to stand with them.  I gave them you.  You may feel torn because you have other children feeling neglected while you spend your time with your child with special needs.  You think, "How can I be in more than one place at one time?"  You can't, but I can.  I am a father to the fatherless.  Your child may have both parents, but when you can't be there, make sure they know that I am.  I love them completely.  Remind them every day that you love them, and that I love them enough to give up what I hold dear to be with them- my Son.  I know you are exhausted.  My peace I give to you.  Sometimes you can't find peace in your life.  With doctor's reports, naysayers, your job, and the rest of your family to support, you feel that there just isn't enough of you to go around.  You can't find peace.  When you don't have peace, it is okay to ask for some of Mine.  I know your scared about your child's future.  Will they go to college?  Will they have a family?  Will they be able to graduate, or will they need you for the rest of their life?  The world is a hard place filled with uncertainty and cruel intentions, but if you trust in Me and lean not on what you may think, but start accepting my will and yielding to it, I will direct both your and your child's path.  You ask, "Will we survive this?"  I want you to know that you can do all things through Me because I will give you the strength to do it.  I never expected you to handle this alone, nor would I ever leave you to fend for yourself.  Please don't forget that I made  you.  I know you.  I want to be there for you.  So My question to you is, "Will you trust Me?"

Stay strong high-heeled warriors!


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