Today, families all over America celebrated Easter. Many joined together to eat, hunt eggs, and catch up. Some attended Sunrise services while others dressed in finery to attend elaborate productions. But no matter what you did, people across America paused in their busyness to think about something more than themselves. A person asked me earlier in the week about the book of Genesis. She said, "Is Genesis basically about God creating the Earth?" I responded that it was more than that. It was the beginning of a great story of how man failed, but even though it was thousands of years before the birth of Christ, God was already making a plan for bringing man back to Him. God has always been about redemption. One of the most annoying things my husband would make us do was collecting cans. We had decided to do this several years ago for Speed the Light/missions. We would gather these nasty, sticky cans and have them sitting around our lawn as an eyesore. Then when the time was right, we would crush the cans so that they seemed too broken for use. We would then take them to the metal place and redeem them for cash. Friends, we are those cans. We had purpose and a use, and then the world bent us and caused us to be broken, useless pieces of junk. But God had a plan. We had our hurts and wounds...and still He came. We fought His plan and doubted His love...and still He came. We worried and cried and tried to do things ourselves...and still He came. He had the plan of redemption, working in our hearts with His love, acceptance, and hope. And when our hearts were ready, He redeemed us from useless trash to something valuable. As Christ rose from the dead, our bleak futures gained hope. Our pieces became whole. Our sickness was healed. Our lives were restored. So today, you may see yourself as that worthless thing that others see as an eyesore, but God sees His valuable creation which He spent thousands of years making a way to redeem.
Have a great week and a blessed Easter high-heeled warriors!
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