I'm Buried In Laundry!

Have you ever felt like some kind of crafty genie is working his crazy magic in your home; however, instead of answering your wishes, he is creating an unimaginable amount of laundry that appears out of nowhere?  Any parent knows that this time of year means busy.  You have baseball season, end of the year testing, band concerts, prom, tournaments.  It all equals to no time to do one of the most important jobs that needs to be done in a home- laundry.   At first, you think that you'll just let those couple of loads slide.  You'll catch them at a more convenient time.  And then, before you know it, there are mounds of clothes filling every corner of your home.  Then it becomes a scavenger hunt for that special club shirt your child needs for pictures or that uniform for a tournament.  This weekend, I bit the bullet and started doing laundry.  As I crawled on all fours, peeking under beds for missing socks and looking under couches for shorts, I started to get a little frustrated.  Why can't my children ever just put their dirty laundry in a basket?  Then the clincher hit.  I started finding folded laundry under piles of stinky socks.  We're talking socks that smell so bad that an opposing country could load them in a missile and commit chemical warfare with them.  I gagged as I pulled one after another of the stiff socks that practically stood up on their own into my basket.  And why did some of my children only have a couple of pairs of underwear when they had numerous shirts and pants?  Do they ever change their underwear?  By the time the gathering had taken place, I was in no mood to sort and color code.  So I did what every good mom does, I just shoved as much as I could fit in the washing machine and prayed that colors would not bleed and clothes would not shrink.  Now, my grumbling was pretty evident by the third hour, but then God brought to my memory something a wise woman once told me.  She used to be frustrated with the fact that none of her family would turn their socks the correct way so that the dirty side faced out to be cleaned.  She would spend valuable minutes turning socks inside out.  At first, she was angry, but then she saw this as an opportunity.  Every time she would pick up someone's socks, she would pray for that child or her husband while she turned their socks inside out.  She began to value the time she had interceding for her family and felt a closeness that she had lacked before.  So after remembering this, I started praying for the wearers of the piles of laundry.  Did it make the laundry go any faster?  No!  But it did make me appreciate the children in my care.  So after the last load of laundry was done, I breathed a sigh of relief and went to take a leisurely shower.  Guess what I found in the bathroom.  All the dirty laundry they wore that day!!!  I guess I have more praying in my future!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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