To Young Women Everywhere...

I experienced a proud momma moment this weekend.  My son took a young lady from a neighboring school to her high school prom on Saturday.  As his date was dropped off, I did what any mother in my place would do.  I took a ridiculous amount of photos of the two of them.  Why do people always feel the need to have others pose in front of a tree?  I'm not sure why, but nature beckoned and the tree photo happened.  After pictures were done and my son was properly cautioned on driving responsibly, I went back into the house.  Little did he know I was actually spying on him through the screen door. That was when the moment happened.  I watched my son open the door for his date and help her into the car.  I've spent years trying to instill gentlemanly manners into my boys.  At that moment, I was proud to see all of my lectures producing fruit.  This had me thinking.  How many girls settle for being treated like a piece of meat or trash because they don't know there are good guys out there that will value them as God does.  So for young ladies out there, I've created a list of what you deserve as a lady.  1. You deserve a guy who values you enough to not force you to do anything you are not comfortable with.  2. You deserve a guy who values your purity as much as God does.  3. You deserve a guy who treats you with respect.  No good man should ever lay his hands on you in violence no matter how sorry he says he is!  4. You deserve a guy that will love you as Christ loved the church.  That means he is willing to lay down his life for you.  5. You deserve a man who will be faithful to you.  6. You deserve a guy who speaks to you with kindness and respect.  He opens the door for you.  You may think these guys don't exist, but trust me.  They do!  I married one!  That's not to say that with time, the guy may forget to open a door occasionally, but it doesn't stop the character that a good guy has from showing.  My husband and I went on a double date on Friday.  Our friends came to pick us up.  As I was getting in the back seat of the car, I noticed my husband had followed me.  I turned to him as I opened the door and asked, "Are you wanting on this side?"  He huffed, "I'm trying to be a gentleman and get the door for you."  It took me by surprise.  We get so busy that we forget the niceties, but it made me feel special to see that the gentleman was still there.  Now, young ladies, if you want guys to treat you with respect, like a gentleman, don't forget that you have to act like a lady!  As much as you may want guys to like you, you don't want to settle for anyone who would make you someone you are not just to feel comfortable hanging out with you.  My words of wisdom for you is don't sell out!  A good guy is worth the wait!  Take it from a woman who has been there.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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