When God's Will Wasn't What You Thought It Would Be...

This weekend, I spent the day at ASU Beebee watching my son compete in State Quiz Bowl.  They entered the competition in second place dominating the competition.  I watched my son answer questions with ease.  Everyone thought they would make it to the final televised run-off with no problem.  I prayed before hand that my son would do well, and my prayers were being answered.  But then after lunch, things changed.  They beat the first team easily in the elimination round.  Nothing was out of the ordinary.  Then it was time to play the next team.  This next team was an underdog team.  They had entered the competition in 6th place.  We had beat them in the past, and it was amazing that they had made it past the last competition to play our team.  As we played, they wouldn't give up.  The competition became close until they ended the game tied.  They did a best of five heat.  They ended that with a tie.  We were in unprecedented territory.  The deciding factor of who would go to the finals was going to ride on whoever answered the next question.  Everyone was tense.  Parents were on the edge of their seats as the question was read.  A buzzer sounded, and the opposing team answered correctly, winning the spot for either first or second.  My son was crushed.  He knew that he would be done with Quiz Bowl after having played since seventh grade since he was now a senior.  It had been his life.  He questioned why they had lost.  They went on to play the next team to determine who would make it to third place and dominated once again winning third place for State Quiz Bowl.  Trenton went on to make All Tournament as a top player in the tournament.  This brought him to the question we ask God all the time- Why did You allow this to happen?  He knew what he wanted God's will to be, but it didn't work the way he wanted.  I prayed Trenton would do well, and he did very well.  My prayers were answered, so what happened?  Later, we found out that the opposing team's coach had gone through a family tragedy just a few weeks before- losing his adult son.  He was struck by grief.  His team had mentioned that their coach had taken it very badly, and they wanted to win just to give him hope and some joy.  The underdog team won when they normally would not.  It was a miracle.  Not the winning, but that God saw a man that was broken and desperately needing hope.  He showed that man that He still cared and was there for Him through what many had thought of as an impossible win.  As I spoke with my son, I told him that God cares more about the person than the win.  By providing the win for that team, He showed love for the person who needed to see it the most.  As tears were pouring down the coach's face, he personally walked to every person from parent to player on our team thanking them and saying, "God bless you."  And isn't it true that God really had blessed us.  My son realized that what He thought should have been God's will would have been so much more shallow and empty compared to the miracle that God did.  When we try to force God's hand into what we want, we often trade the up-coming miracles for a cheap imitation of what God would have done.  So whatever you are needing God to do for you, trust in God and wait for Him.  His will is so much greater than anything we could ever imagine.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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