God Can Use Cake Pops?

Ever seen the show "Nailed It" on Netflix?  Bad bakers try to copy professionals and fail in a large way.  This show inspired me to create a ladies "Nailed It" competition at my church.  The night before the competition, I discovered that I might have bit off more than I could chew.  I cooked lunch for 20-25 ladies, made cakes for the cake pop competition, and gathered all the cooking materials needed.  At midnight, I still hadn't started decorating the cake pops planned for the next day.  I had chosen pictures for the women to look at for their model, but I still wanted to make a copy myself to allow myself ideas to help the women if they struggled.  Midnight is not the best time to do anything important.  1.You get cranky.  2. You get sloppy.  3. Things go wrong because of #1 and #2.  My first cake ball was a little gum ball machine.  I added shortening to the melted candy wafers to allow the mix to be smoother.  You can guess what happened.  I added too much and as I tried to cool the pops, all of the candy coating and sprinkles dripped right off.  I got more sloppy and more cranky.  I may have even jumped up and down once and said the words, "I'm never going to get to go to sleep" in a cry of  frustration.  By the next cake ball, I had learned not to add as much shortening, but I skipped a few steps to shave off some time.  I did shave off time, but my cake pop (a fish tank) showed my negligence.  By the last cake pop (an ice cream cone), I finally was willing to follow all of the steps.  At last, it looked like an ice cream cone.  So what did I learn from cake pops, and how does it relate to God?  

1. Don't rush.  It gets sloppy results.  When we get in a hurry, we miss out on the amazing things God wants to do.
2. Don't skip steps.  They are there for a reason.  We know that if we skip steps putting together furniture, we end up with missing parts and an unstable shelf.  Why do we ask God to skip steps in our lives?  Don't we want our lives to be stable and missing nothing?
3. It's okay to make mistakes.  Learn from them.  If you have messed up, God forgives.  Get up, learn from your mistake, and don't keep repeating it.  Our goal is to keep trying to become more like Christ.  
4. Your results may not look like you thought they would, but it still tastes wonderful.  Sometimes what you want for your life is not what God knows is best for your life.  So trust Him to make sure that what He does with your life is better than anything you could have imagined.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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