Ever have one of those days...a day when things just go wrong, no matter how good you imagined it would be? Last Friday at work, I woke knowing that I would have an amazing day. It was going to be one of those days where I randomly break out in a song and dance number like on a Disney movie. Sweet little birds were going to land on my shoulder while people handed me bouquets of flowers and wrote poems of my awesomeness. Alas, my day did not go like that. Instead, I found myself sleeping a smidge too long, so I started the day rushing to get dressed, take care of the pets, and make breakfast. As I started breakfast, I realized I had forgotten to buy breakfast for the kids, so foraging began. I dug through the freezer until I found some freezer-burnt waffles. My children stared at their plates as though I had offered them grub worms and bark. I began to load my kids in the car to take them to school only to hear them say, "I can't find..." You can fill in the blank here. You know what I mean. You tell them the night before don't forget your uniform, instrument, parental consent form, money, and they say, "I won't. I'll get it tonight." Then the next morning, they forget. We rushed to find missing things and finally left for school. I, at least, came to a complete stop, although I contemplated just rolling to a short stop while they jump out. Once I left for work, I found I was running late. At work, I breeze through the door on time, but disheveled. I finally take a moment to eat breakfast, only to realize my breakfast was sitting on the table at home. I, once again, foraged through my desk until I found stale animal crackers and a cheese stick. Mmmm. As I sat in my office chair, I noticed the chair wasn't moving freely, so I did some trouble-shooting to realize that I had rolled over my therapy bag. My office chair is not just any chair. It is a super chair made of levers surrounding the whole chair. Pull one wrong lever and you either end of laying on your back, or possibly starting a nuclear war. I climbed out of the super chair and pulled to get the roller off of the bag strap. The problem was that I had inadvertently pulled a lever.- the lever that controls the armrest. The armrest flew up and punched me in the nose. Hard. It hurt both my pride and my face as my coworkers heard my cries of distress. To say the day was being a bit trying was putting it mildly. At this point, I should have seen the writing on the wall. I decided to laminate something. You are probably yelling at me like you do the dumb blonde in the movie who goes into a dark room. "Don't laminate!" I, however, did not listen. Everything was going well. Things were getting covered in plastic, and I thought my day was turning around. Until...I noticed that some of my paper was getting folded over, so I decided to lift the safety guard that was folding the paper as it was going under it. With the safety guard up, the paper was feeding much better. People, it is called a safety guard for a reason. I didn't notice that the shirt I was wearing had two long strings attached to the hoodie. One string had dangled perfectly to align itself with a piece of paper going through the laminator. Upon feeling a tug at my neck, I looked down to find myself laminating my shirt strings. I frantically pushed the stop and spent the next few minutes tugging, reversing, and saving the clothes on my back. This brings me to my point for this week. I had imagined a great day, but reality did not agree. Did it make my day any less great? Absolutely not! In every situation I faced, I could look at what was going wrong or look for the good. I forgot to buy breakfast, but I could be thankful for the stale waffles that happened to be there. I could complain about the animal cookies, or I could see the beauty in a bonus cheese stick. I could have broken my nose, but it was only mildly hurt. I could have strangled myself with a scalding plastic, but I noticed the string and even saved the shirt with no damage. Our situation are all about perspective. When we look for positive, we will start to find more positive until I outlook changes to one of thanksgiving. One day, I really wanted some donut holes from my favorite donut shop, but I could only find enough change for one plain donut. I chose to thank God for what I had and drove away with my bag. As I reached into the bag for my donut, I found a dozen donut holes nestled among my one plain donut. When we start to live a life of thanksgiving, God will start to pour out His blessings on us. After all, don't you like to give gifts to a grateful receiver.
Have a great week high-heeled warriors!
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