The Mommy Bag (Mother's Day Essential)

How many ladies would say that if you look in a woman’s purse, you get a glimpse of whom she is.  As young guys, no one wants to carry “the purse” it holds all kinds of secrets.  Mysteries no man should know.  As the guy becomes husband, he carries the purse with a protective instinct.  His money is there, and he will guard it with his life.  As a child, I would see the purse like a happy meal I never knew what great treasures were in it, but I wanted to see.  It changes as your child grows.

Babies…It doubles as diaper bag.  Baby bottles, wipes,diapers.  If you forget one of those important things, you will have to get really creative with improvising.  A t-shirt, a roll of toilet paper wrapped around the baby’s bottom.

Toddler…Still a bottle, wipes, and diapers, but we have progressed to snacks.  Cheerios, cookies, or anything else we can shove into their mouths to get them to be quiet when in public and keep tranquility in place.  Maybe even a toy.
Young child…We are now in entertainment stage.  We have toys, snacks, crayons and other things that will keep my child from creating havoc in a restaurant and get me kicked out before appetizers arrive. You’re cell phone with a Disney movie may be your go-to for long waits.

Middle aged child… We are now noticing the age when you fight to get your child to take a bath, groom themselves, and listen.  Wet wipes, Kleenex, a hair brush for when surprise it’s picture day at school, and your child told you as you pull up to the school.  They are wearing a Spiderman shirt two sizes too small, shorts in December and haven’t brushed their hair since yesterday morning.  (Secret tip: At one point, I had to use the ice scraper/snow remover brush to brush my child’s hair because my purse was not packed adequately.)
Preteen…Your child is growing up but secretly still wants to be a kid.  So the legoes/toys may be hidden in your purse the minute you get somewhere that a fellow classmate will recognize them.  They have  to play it cool.  This is when a smart parent packs a deodorant stick.  Hormones are flaring.  While you’re at it, throw in some more Kleenex because preteen girls will cry at the drop of a hat.

Teenager…You are now the proud parent of a very active child.  Baseball games, basketball games, sports events, choir concerts, award ceremonies, and other extracurricular activities become your past-time.  Now your purse becomes more mom-centered.  The snacks/drinks/gum/mints are not for your kids.  They are for you.  Have you seen the price of things at concession stands?  You pack it full of treats while you wait, only to find out your children have raided your purse to eat all of your snacks.  But they have been thoughtful enough to replace it with the old wrappers and other trash that fit perfectly back into your purse.

So what does this have to do with Mother’s Day?  Our goals as mothers are to teach our children to be prepared.  Why else do we fight with them to wear the right clothes for weather.  They may not be cold, but you are so they need to wear a coat.  Spiritually, we are the foundation for where our children will stand in their faith.  As we prepare for life, we also need to make sure to prepare our children for eternity.  Have you given them the tools to make it through life still standing strong in their faith?  

Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it. ~ Proverbs 22:6

Congratulations to my son, Trenton.  He has graduated from high school and starts a new path as he continues on to college.  I'm proud of you and pray for you every day!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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