Freak Hailstorms, Garage Sales, and Gandalf?

As the day approaches for my daughter's brain surgery, I'm trying to get all of my ducks in a row.  Clean house, clutter gone.  That means only one thing- garage sale.  I thought I would not only remove clutter, but also raise money for church camp.  This meant I had to conquer a big obstacle- getting my husband to clean his garage and get rid of clothes that no longer fit.  This is when I became aware of an interesting aspect to men.  Why do men act like wizards?  I found my husband standing in the middle of our kitchen.  I asked what he was doing, to which he replied he was looking for something.  This is usually where the spouse comes in and moves a box to find the missing item.  So next came the million dollar question.  "Did you actually look?"  It is like he is Gandalf  waiting for the item he is looking for to fly out of hiding and into his outstretched hand.  "My car keys- come!"  Later that morning, I noticed a pot of water boiling on the stove.  I thought it was so nice of him to make lunch while I worked on garage sale stuff.  Fast forward twenty minutes when I came back into the kitchen to find my husband standing over a pot with a deer head carcass sticking out of the pot.  It was disgusting!!  After running Gandalf the cook out of my kitchen, I moved everything outside.  The next day we worked tirelessly on the garage sale, but we were really planning on a big sale day on Saturday.  By Friday afternoon, we heard a distant rumble.  All weather radar alerts had shown good weather with a 15% chance on rain.  But as the rumble came closer, I started to worry.  When rain drops starting falling and everything was covered in tarps, I felt true panic.  A freak hailstorm had formed over the top of us.  We received two inches of rain in one hour, forty mile an hour wind, and three hailstorms!  I was starting to question God.  By the next morning, I removed wet tarps from water-soaked items and prayed for sunshine to dry everything.  That was when the next freak rainstorm formed over us and soaked us.  At this point, I believe I said something like, "God, why do you hate me!  I'm just trying to raise money for church camp!"  I threw a pity party for one.  I continued with the garage sale with the help of a friend after the rain stopped.  Not many showed up.  I was frustrated by the end of the day, but I told God I trusted Him even if I didn't know what He was doing.  We donated everything left over, and I sat down to count the money.  From what we sold, we had enough for multiple scholarships for church camp!  God had come through in spite of the storm.  This made me realize that next week my daughter faces brain surgery.  It is a huge storm, but the same God who was faithful in the little storm (literal) will be faithful in the big storm.  We can trust Him!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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