Life Interruption or Divine Intervention?

My husband owns the equivalent of a small zoo.  As a science teacher, over the years, he has compiled an assortment of animals that he uses to demonstrate animal life systems and life cycles.  Every summer, that zoo joins our happy, little family.  This year, I have the joy of experiencing a musky weasel (It's actually a ferret, but I like to call it a weasel.), a parrot with a smart mouth (she keeps calling me brat), and thankfully no snakes this year.  My husband made plans to bring them home after cleaning and making room for them.  Unfortunately, his plans changed.  He received a call telling him the floors would be cleaned, so they needed to go right away.  We loaded in our car and started moving animal cages and aquariums.  We squeezed a massive weasel cage into the back seat of our car.  Meanwhile his little pirate parrot proceeded to poop all over his dress shirt.  I may have laughed just a little.  When we finally moved the demon snakes, Kyle was frustrated with having to change his plans.  As we shifted the cage, Kyle exclaimed, "My missing book!  I've been looking for that everywhere.  I was going to have to buy one today if I didn't find it."  The little nuisance of moving the animals made it all worthwhile.  At the same time that day, my son had gone fishing with a buddy.  While walking along the river, he dropped his prized possession- his phone.  It was soaked.  As he pulled up, I could tell something was wrong.  He ranted about the fact that only bad stuff seemed to happen.  I put his phone in a bag of rice and asked if he had prayed about this.  He responded why would God care?  I told him that God cared about him, so it was time to trust God.  Only a little time later, Trenton got a call to come in at a restaurant to help out with dish-washing. He made extra unexpected cash that he was able to use if he needed a new phone.  He told me that God really did care.  Now we could have left it there, but so many times we limit God when He wants to do so much more in our lives.  We'll get back to that later.  

My mother once told me that she was traveling up to see me one summer.  The night before, she had a vivid dream about being involved in a car accident.  She mentioned seeing a semi-truck and a van in an accident in her dream.  It was a very bad accident.  The next day, as they were driving up, she mentioned she kept thinking about that dream.  Then they ended up needing to stop briefly because of a tire issue.  It only slowed them down a little, but it still was frustrating having to deal with delays.  After about thirty minutes, she noticed the scenery looked familiar.  Then ahead was the accident of her dream, only minus her car.  She felt that the only thing keeping her from being involved in that accident was the brief delay involving the tire.  What seemed to be a life interruption became Divine Intervention.  So the next time you are stuck behind that slow car that is driving you nuts, or waiting in a line at a check-out counter where the checker discusses every item the person in front of you is buying, keep in mind this thought.  What may seem like an interruption to your life, could be intervention from God.  

Back to Trenton's phone.  Three days passed as we prayed.  Today, Trenton turned on his phone.  It worked fine.  He didn't have to use his money to buy a new phone.  So not only did God provide a little extra cash to let Trenton know He cared, but He also allowed the phone to be restored.  Remember, God does care about the little things in your life!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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