Second Brain Surgery is Coming...The Power of Prayer

As most may know, Megan and I have been week-long guests of Arkansas Children's Hospital per brain surgery #1.  Her neurosurgeon placed a grid of probes on her brain in order to capture the exact location of where her seizures are originating.  After her first surgery, the waiting began.  Now, all we needed was the seizures.  During this time, I learned not to put your hairbrush on the little shelf over the toilet with her urine catch in it.  Don't ask me why.  After a couple of days, we had everyone pray for seizures.  Sounds odd, right? After prayers, she had a really big seizure.  For the first time ever, she was aware of what was going on around her.  It terrified her wondering if she would ever be able to speak again.  After about 30 minutes, she was able to speak clearly and began to calm.  This is when she really realized the power of prayer.  She told me to be more specific in asking for prayer.  "Mom, I want you to ask people to pray for 2 more small seizures!"  So the request went out, and prayers petitioned Heaven.  And then we waited and waited.  At one point on Thursday evening, she said she felt weird.  A tingly/numb feeling was on her chest.  She paled and breathed a little faster.  We thought that a big seizure might be coming.  I noted the time but did not sound the alarm.  I felt in my spirit that I should tell EEG about the feeling and time, even though no seizure appeared.  I am thankful for the Holy Spirit that prompts us because the next day, her neurosurgeon identified that "weird feeling" as a seizure- a small one.  Our prayers were answered.  The doctor told me to hit the alarm button any time she felt weird.  So later on Friday, we hit the alarm button 3 different times when the feeling came.  EEG said that they saw no seizure activity.  We stood on the promise that God hears the cries of His people.  This morning, the doctor on call visited to tell us the 3 episodes we marked were actually small seizures.  After we were specific with our prayers, all seizure activity changed to small moments of a weird feeling and nothing more.  So now... surgery will be scheduled for tomorrow at 11:30am.  The neurosurgeon will remove the section of her brain where seizure activity originated.  Her chances of no more epilepsy are very high.  With God, we are secure.  We believe God could heal her immediately, but if He chooses to heal through surgery, we trust in God's perfect will.  He knows best.  So I want to challenge you.  When a group of believers comes together to pray in unity, God hears and things change.  So let's not get caught up in the politics around us.  It just keeps us from uniting and praying.  

2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Thank you for your support and prayers in the upcoming weeks.  Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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