First Weekend Home From College...Flooded Bathroom and Minor Injuries in the Kitchen

The day for which I  had been waiting for weeks had finally arrived!  My son had come home to visit after a couple of weeks at college.  I would like to think he was visiting because he missed his family desperately, but I'm a realist.  He needed laundry done for cheap (free), his new laptop, and his dad's electric guitar and pedals.  My husband joked that he was there to visit his stuff, not him.  In all seriousness, he heard about our massive flood in our downstairs bathroom.  A tiny bolt in the upstairs shower wall cracked and a waterfall was formed from the downstairs bathroom's ceiling.  Now I get to remodel that bathroom for a second time (past flood of the toasted water heater).  Trenton wanted to help tear down stuff if necessary.  I didn't care why he was here.  I was excited to see him, so what does a mom do to welcome her child?  She makes a spectacular dinner.  I'm a teacher and off for the summer with the end of summer looming.  This means that I have not been doing a lot of home-cooking.  I have done some, but not a lot.  So at three in the afternoon, I entered the kitchen and began my Food Network worthy cooking.  On the menu was chicken fried chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits, and a chocolate Texas sheet cake.  It was time-consuming and impressive.  At eight that evening, he walked into the house.  In horror, I looked down to spy a jumbo chili cheese tot and burger from Sonic.  I had no words.  Then I quickly found my words.  "Why did you get food?  I made you a special dinner!!!"  In the making of said dinner, as I drained the hot grease from the pan, the container spilled in the sink covering my fingers in hot grease.  (1st burn) I believe I told him I suffered pain for his dinner.  He assured me he could still eat.  So we sat down only to see him barely touch his plate.  Finally, I had to ask.  "Why aren't you eating?"  He responded that he had eaten dinner at the cafeteria before leaving and the Sonic food was his second dinner.  I made him take one bite.  The next morning I made him gravy and biscuits with sausage to which I grabbed the pan from the oven with an old oven mitt that apparently had holes in it.  (Second burn)  What did I learn from this?  I love my son and next time, I'm asking him to bring me Sonic on his way home.  However, this got me thinking.  

My husband preached about being mature in our faith.  When I made my son's dinner, I did all of the work.  Ever been to a potluck where you bring a ton of food and others bring nothing?  We have to all bring something to the table in order for all of us to have something to eat.  Otherwise, you are dividing meatballs and green beans into bite-sized portions.  What about in church or our communities?  What impressed me about Branson after the tragedy this weekend was that the community stepped up with prayers, love, and support.  The community brought something to the table.  In a world that is dark and pessimistic, shouldn't the church and caring members of our community feed the emotionally starved people around us with hope, love, and forgiveness?  I challenge you.  Bring something to the table.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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