Falling Off A Ladder...(Have You Ever Been Hurt In Church?)

Our church is preparing for a VBS.  I know we are not on vacation, but we decided to do a back to school Bible school for the children in our little town.  Our children's pastors were working tirelessly to create an amazing VBS.  With the theme of Champions of the Bible, they made shadow images of characters from the Bible and walls of Jericho surrounding the church.  It was right before VBS when they led our kids in a game.  Our children's pastor, Sue, stepped into a drainage trench beside the church.  It had been covered by our post-hurricane grass so that she couldn't see it.  We prayed that her foot would not be broken with VBS looming.  Although bruised, she was able to walk with no broken bones.  Later, while taping shadow images on the walls of a room, the ladder she stood on shifted causing her to fall with such force that she bounced.  She felt the skin on the back of her leg tearing as she became entangled in the ladder.  Her husband heard her screams and worried the worst may have happened- broken bones.  Once again, although covered in bruises and torn skin, there were no broken bones.  She was thankful but faced an obstacle- getting back up on the ladder.  She was afraid, but felt she had no choice since she still had work to do.  How many times would you say that you have been in that place- a place where you have been beaten up and bruised by circumstances in your life?  Maybe you have been burned helping others.  Maybe you have been hurt from people in church.  You felt it would be easier to just stay off the ladder than to get back up and continue.  I've heard people say that don't go to church because they have been hurt there.  I always ask people if they have ever had a bad experience at Walmart.  Once you have that experience, do you refuse to ever set foot in a supermarket again?  No, that doesn't stop you from giving them another chance and returning because your need for what is in Walmart outweighs the bad experience.  So how do we get back on the ladder?  Let your need for more of God outweigh your hurt.  Give that hurt to God and remember that everything we face here on Earth is nothing compared to what God has for us in eternity when we are faithful to Him.  So get back on that ladder and let God hold you steady, heal, and protect you!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


  1. What a Great Devotional Article! This Really does minister for sure!


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