I Choose To Refuse...(Refusing the Lies of the Enemy)

Have you ever talked yourself into believing something that is totally false?  In my county, the fire department was dispatched because a hole on a farm started spouting fire in a column over 10 feet tall and burning really hot.  Speculation ran rampant.  Was it a meteor?  A gas leak?  A volcano?  Did the farmer decide to rid his land of groundhogs?  Of course, there had to be someone that thought it might be aliens.  First of all, it would have to be the tiniest space ship ever.  We may laugh at something so ridiculous, but we all find ourselves listening to others and believing the worst.  My daughter loves to watch American Idol.  On of the sixteen-year-old contestants was very unique and confident.  As she began to move forward in the competition, hate mail began to come.  When people who are insecure see others who are confident, they tend to put the confident , unique people down to feel better about themselves.  This embodies concept of bullying.  This young lady who stood confidently started to falter because she listened to the negative words and began to believe them.  One of the judges made a great statement.  Stop listening to the negative and believe in yourself.  If you don't believe this, let me tell you about a social experiment done at an office.  A practical joker at an office decided to play a prank on one of his co-workers and involved the entire office.  The co-worker walked in feeling happy and well.  The prankster went to him and asked if he was feeling okay.  He looked pale and sick.  Maybe he was coming down with something.  The co-worker answered that he felt great.  This continued with people throughout the office saying the same type of comments.  The man eventually left work early to go home on a sick day because after talking to so many, he was feeling unwell.  Have you ever found yourself in this place?  You know you're a child of the King, and you feel amazing in Christ.  But then you find yourself under attack.  You are attacked by gossip, paranoia sets in and you feel everyone  is against you.  You eventually feel all alone.  This is where you must choose to refuse the negativity!  Stop throwing a pity party and start fighting the lies with the truth!  You are more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens you!  Last night, as I prayed, this phrase "I choose to refuse" was placed in my mind.  I wrote the song, Convinced, to encourage everyone.  Stop believing lies and choose to believe the truth!  Share this with your friends!  https://www.facebook.com/eyvette.hutchesontardiff/videos/10214722054697429/

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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