Wrinkles Are A Reminder of God's Faithfulness?

I've noticed something that seemed to have crept up on me- wrinkles!!  My co-worker was creating pictures for a student in one of my classrooms.  She needed photos of everyone, so I became the victim of a drive-by photo shooting.  I smiled and felt great about the photo until I stumbled across the 8 x 10 laminated version of it a couple of days later.  Where had all of these wrinkles around my eyes come from?  I asked her what happened to the sparkly setting.  She just stared at me confused- sparkly setting?  Another co-worker pointed out that the softening filter only showed up on the selfie mode.  This picture had me obsessing over age.  When had all of these aging things come to my face?  Wrinkles, freckles, age spots?  My daughter was even nice enough to mention that she looks like me- only younger.  Haha.  Then I started looking at the goofy beauty products that people are buying to try to desperately hang onto their youth.  Suction cups that improve skin elasticity.  Giant lips that fit in your mouth to help slim your face.  An iron- for your face.  These are actual products.  Then I had a realization.  Why would I obsess over denying the very things that show the journey that has been my life?  The laugh lines around my eyes show how happy I have been with my family.  In order to have these lines so defined, it means I have laughed a lot in my life.  God has blessed me with moments of joy in the midst of hardship.  I hope I can increase those laugh lines and find joy in everything.  The frown lines around my mouth and on my forehead are not as pronounced as my laugh lines, but they are there.  Why?  Because as Christians, we are not guaranteed a life on this earth of endless joy.  The Bible mentions that in this life we will have tribulations (struggles) but be of good cheer because Christ has overcome the world.  The struggles are there.  While we faced the trauma of years of dealing with the fear and struggle of Megan's seizures, God was faithful.  We faced moments of tears and worry, but God overcame this with His love and presence.  There were moments when we weren't sure how to pay for things that we needed, but God showed Himself to be our provider and overcame those situations in our life.  I've cried with friends and family as they lost loved ones, but also knew that God overcame death so that we could see those loved ones again.  God never removed the struggles, but he guided me through each and every one showing His goodness.  He overcame!  So my frown lines show me that I will face hardships and trials, but I serve a good God that will get me through the trials with amazing love and grace!  I've decided to accept my wrinkles with the knowledge that they came with the journey.  In the old testament, people would build an altar to remind them what God saved them from and where God gave them a fresh start.  My wrinkles remind me how faithful my God is and how faithful He will be every step of my life.  So the picture attached is a real picture of a real person with all filters removed because I choose to embrace who God has made me and how far He has brought me!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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