Dropped Into the Woods (Not Naked and Afraid!)

No, I didn't join a certain television show.  This weekend, my church had a huge Fall party on one of our church family's property.  We took a hayride out to a back pasture with rolling hills, a fishing pond, bonfire, and surrounded by woods.  One of the activities was a scavenger hunt.  The hosts planted objects throughout the woods, and we were taken into the woods and told to look closely.  Several of us left the smooth trail to search off the beaten path.  We found almost all of our hidden treasures except one- a hand sanitizer bottle.  We had wandered over the whole path finding a snake, but no bottle.  After maneuvering through brier bushes and rocks, we still couldn't find it.  We had a choice to make.  Do we go back, knowing we wouldn't win, or did we keep looking?  We chose to keep looking.  Some stumbled, but their team helped them up.  Finally, we found hidden bottle and ran for the finish line.  In Proverbs 2:4-5 If you look for it (wisdom) as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.   Ever feel like you just don't know what God wants you to do?  We ask God, but then we either give up or do our own thing.  After the scavenger hunt, I realized that we have to pursue God.  We don't just occasionally pray, but we actively seek Him.  When we don't hear, we keep on the path and keep looking.  Sometimes we run into briers or trouble, but we don't give up.  Sometimes our friends struggle and stumble.  We help them up and keep looking.  Eventually, God shows Himself real in our lives.  The best thing is that God doesn't hide Himself like a treasure hunt.  He is easily found when we don't give up!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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