Fighting The Enemy With A Spork

Have you found yourself facing one hardship after another?  Does the phrase, "When it rains, it pours" hit too close to home?  If this is you, I have a word for you.  As it gets later in the season, we've been able to slow down on grass cutting.  Unfortunately, I couldn't put if off any longer.  Since my husband was pulling daddy duty hauling our children to school competitions, that left my oldest son and me to cut the grass.  I approached our shed with trepidation.  Three riding mowers were housed within.  I felt like Goldilocks.  The biggest mower wouldn't cut grass.  The medium mower wouldn't start.  The smallest mower was just right, but the battery needed to be charged.  I manhandled the mower out of the shed and pushed it around to my garage to charge.  This left weed-eating my grass.  The gas-powered weed-eater had a spring that didn't fit right.  The battery-powered had a battery that wouldn't take a charge.  Sound like your home?  I finally pulled out the push-mower and began to mow.  I pulled it into my flower beds where the weed-eater couldn't cut, and mowed over weeds, grass, and the timbers holding my flower beds together.  I zoomed through the front lawn until I heard music to my ears.  My son got a weed-eater to work and cut around my trees.  Then he flew past me on the riding mower cutting grass-donuts around me.  After we had finished, I realized something.  Even though I had all the right tools to mow my grass, if they weren't maintained, they were useless.  You can have a Bible, your car programmed to a Christian station, and have a favorite church, but if you don't use them, they are useless to you.  We have to maintain our relationship with God using His tools He gives us if we are going to function properly.  I once told my youth, they have been given the Bible to read and learn, not to take up space on a shelf.  You may learn John 3:16 when you get saved, but if that's all you ever learn, how can you fight a very, real enemy who is throwing hardship and struggles at you?  It's like trying to fight a sword fight using only a spork!  One scripture is a weapon for us, but it's not enough for a lifetime of fighting a hard enemy.  We need an arsenal of weapons.  As you maintain your relationship with God through prayer and reading His Word, you grow your weapon from a spork to a sword (Hebrews 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword  KJV) Don't just leave useless tools in your life.  Use them!  Turn on that Christian radio station, read your Bible, get up and go to that favorite church!  Be a warrior ready to face those hardships with the Word of God as your weapon.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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