The Ozark Mountain Makeover

As you can see above, my church has created the Ozark Mountain Makeover.  We wanted to bless a local family with a house makeover for Christmas.  We invited people to complete applications and send them to us.  The house above was chosen for this outreach.  As I interviewed the mother, I was moved by her story.  Her husband broke his back working on an oil rig.  They bought the house hoping to repair it a little at a time.  However, he developed stress fractures further injuring his back.  This made it nearly impossible to complete the house.  The mother fought sepsis last year keeping her from being able to work.  With only disability income, home improvement seemed impossible.  They also had a son with Autism and another a senior in school.  We felt we could make a difference in this family, so the renovation began over the last week.  This weekend, we did a big push with a lot of people giving up their weekends to bless someone else.  We've finished the front and side.  We still have the back and other side of the house and the roof to go.  Stay tuned because we will show the big reveal during Christmas!  As we enter the holidays, it is so easy to get caught up in the marketing.  I have to buy this or that for someone.  What if they don't like their gift?  Will I have enough money to get everyone everything?  I want to challenge you as you begin to shop and focus on the holidays.  Find a way to not only give a gift, but also make a difference.  Look for a person who could use a warm coat.  Buy a Christmas dinner for a family in need.  Write a letter to a person in the military stationed overseas.  Give a gift to an elderly person who lives alone.  They may not get the love of someone this Christmas.  Look beyond yourself and find a way to make a difference.  After all, didn't Jesus come to this Earth at Christmas to make a world difference? 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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