Are You a Bad Sport?

I'm going to be honest with you.  I was a very bad sport.  During my honeymoon, I threw my golf club on the ground during miniature golf.  My first year of marriage, I threw my tennis racket at my husband while playing tennis.  I avoided cards and hated Monopoly because of my bad attitude during games.  Friday, my family and I went to visit my oldest son at college.  We decided to hang out at a donut shop and play Uno.  I lost and won.  I was okay, but my children got angry when they lost.  I gave them the parent lecture about being good sports. I know.  Pot- kettle- black.  This caused me to question why I would lose my temper so easily when playing sports or games.  I think it had to do with insecurity.  Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try, you just don't measure up?  We strive for the one thing we will never be- perfect.  "If I make a mistake, people will think less of me."  Instead of trying for perfection, we should be seeing the journey as a building of a greater thing than perfection.  It is a building of character.  I don't want  perfect friends.  I want friends that understand what it feels like to struggle.  I want friends that tell me the truth, not what I want to hear.  I want to surround myself with people that can place themselves in others' shoes and show mercy and kindness.  None of this is found through perfection.  When we accept that we don't have to be perfect, but strive for better, then we are free to step out in the areas of discomfort and try new things.  So I encourage you, learn from the struggles you may face.  Don't let fear hold you back from stepping out into unknown things.  Know that God loves you not based on what you do, but simply because you are His child.  And strive to be a better you!

Have a great week high-heeled warrior!


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