
We have faced all four seasons in one month in Arkansas.  One day, the weather is balmy, and then two days later, we have snow or freezing winds.  This last Monday, I was able to help with a bake sale to benefit a homeless woman for Christmas.  I started out the bake sale at 9am thinking that it was cool but manageable.  After a couple of hours, I realized that manageable was a little generous.  The wind chill was 32 degrees.  I bundled up as best I could and quickly sent my husband for hats and blankets.  By 4pm, I couldn't feel my toes and started begging God to send people to buy the baked goods that were left on the table.  I had already decided that by 5 pm, I would give up and go home.  Within 10 minutes of making that decision, a man came up to buy a couple of bags of Rice Krispie treats.  He told me he had also suffered through the cold selling mistletoe in the past and wished me luck.  A few minutes later, as his wife finished shopping, he left his comfortable, warm car and approached my table.  He asked me how bad I wanted to leave the table.  I said, "Real bad."  He asked me to name a price.  I told him that $5.00 would take it all.  He then handed me $10.00 and told me to go home.  I was so thankful because I had been captive at that table alone all day.  This man paid the price for my freedom.  What better illustration of God's love for us.  We were held captive by depression, hopelessness, hurt, bitterness,and pain.  But God saw our misery and paid the ultimate price to set us free.  In paying that price, He didn't just buy a couple of sins.  He bought all of our sin.  He cleared the table, so that we could clearly come into God's presence with a clean slate.  I am so thankful that God saw me alone in the cold and paid the price for me!  The amazing thing is that it wasn't just for one person.  It was for all mankind.  Just as I asked the man to pay the price to free me, all God requires is that we ask Him to forgive us for our sins and the price is paid.  Amazing!  Isn't God so good!  I challenge you to share Christ's love this week!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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