Update on Megan...The visit to the neurosurgeon

First, I want to say that God is sooo amazing! It has been a little over four and a half months since Megan had a section of her brain removed. When you hear the word "lobotomy," good things do not come to mind. Once the surgery was over, we thought recovery would be a long, slow road. This has NOT been the case. Her follow-up with the neurosurgeon was this last week. He took out the last of the stitches and cleared her for normal activity. There have been no seizures since the surgery. Her neurologist told us something we never thought was possible. They are weaning her off ALL of her seizure meds by summer. Megan's last report card was A's and B's. She is active as a basketball manager and will be taking the ACT in December. She wants to go to college. We thought her short-term memory might be affected since that part of the brain was removed, but she is remembering more and more each day as the other part of the brain takes over. Keep her in prayer that she continues to be seizure-free. This has taught me that nothing is too difficult for God!                                                   

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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