Why We Should Be Thankful

How many of you remember Thanksgiving as a child? You spent weeks in school making paper fringed vests and Pilgrim buckle hats. You would load up in your car and visit family you may not have seen for a while. Now we tend to skip right over Thanksgiving to move straight to Christmas and gifts. But lets's look at the first Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims were starving in America. They were resigned to the fact they would die when God sent help. In that help an entire civilization was saved. The Pilgrims forgot differences and joined with the Native Americans because they were thankful for second chances. When struggle comes, we forget differences. In Arkansas, the leaves are changing colors in an amazing array of colors.  The reason for this is rain. Because of the storms and rain, the leaves stayed hydrated instead of turning brown and dying before color change.  Instead of complaining about rain, we can be thankful for beauty because of rain. So when you face hard times, focus on the beauty God will make out of the struggle. Embrace a spirit of being thankful no matter what happens. 

Have a great Thanksgiving high-heeled warrior!


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