Best Gift Ever

During this time of year, I love to give gifts to people.  One of the things that annoys me is when I give a gift and find out it was never used.  I can't tell you how many times I've found gifts for my husband in a bag in a corner.  I found the solution to this problem.  I would gather all the gifts he hadn't used, then I would re-gift them to him for the next holiday.  It might be his birthday or the next Christmas, but he kept receiving the gift until he used it.  It kind of defeats the purpose of giving selflessly in love, doesn't it?  But how many times do we do this?  We see someone that God compels us to help.  Then we question how they will use the gift we give them.  They may buy liquor with it or waste it.  They may mistreat our gift.  Then through our justification, we refuse.  When God gave the gift of His son, Jesus, He knew that the world for which He was given would mistreat His gift.  He knew they would misuse Christ and abuse Him.  Yet, because of His love and mercy, still He gave.  During this holiday season, remember the reason we give and help is not so we can feel good about the great gift we give, but because we continue the gift of love and mercy shown to us.

Have a blessed Christmas season high-heeled warriors!


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