Birthday Girl- Ten Things I've Learned In 44 Years

I've celebrated another birthday, so here are a few things I've learned over the years.

1. Never use a sweater shaver to do your eyebrows. (Don't ask.)

2. Don't get in a hurry looking for the right person for you.  The right person is worth the wait, and they do exist.  Looks fade, but kindness lasts your whole life.

3. It's okay to have conflict in marriage.  Two different personalities will clash at some point.  It's how you handle the conflict that matters.

4. Take a breath before you enter a verbal conflict.  Once hurtful words are spoken, you can never take them back.

5. Never take children to Walmart when they are hungry.  Your bank account and peace of mind cannot handle it.

6. Never take your spouse to Walmart hungry.  Same reason as above.

7. If you give your children choices, make sure you can live with whatever they choose.  Don't tell them that if they don't get along, you'll turn the car around unless you really are willing to turn the car around because if you don't follow through, they will never take you seriously.

8. If you buy a candy bar, either eat it immediately or be prepared to share or find a really good hiding spot.

9. Change your hiding place for candy bars often.  Your children are excellent at reconnaissance.  They can smell chocolate like a blood hound can smell a cat.

10. Life is hard and can be lonely.  If you do not stay close to God and build yourself up spiritually in your private life, you will grow weak and lonely.  You would never eat only one meal a week.  You cannot survive spiritually with an encounter with God only on Sunday mornings.  You have to spend time with God to feel Him there.  Also don't complain about feeling lonely if you're not willing to leave your house.  Go out and talk to people.  It may change your life and someone else's life!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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