Do You Have a Drug Problem? It's Not What You Think...

This morning, a special speaker at church asked an important question.  "How many here have a drug problem?" Several hands went up. He then said,"I don't mean opioids. I mean how many were drug to church?  Do you have a drug problem?" He brought up a good point.  Do we go to church, read the Bible, and do good works out of conviction to please God, or do we do it because it is what we are expected to do? The world has lost hope.  Without hope we just exist.  But as we enter Advent season (where we look for the coming of the birth of Jesus), we remember the whole purpose of Christmas is to bring hope.  Advent meant the coming of Jesus as a baby, but it also has us looking for the coming of Christ again. Imagine what it will be like when we join Jesus either through our death or His return. No pain, addiction, depression, rejection. There will be peace, real love, joy, and real freedom.  That's what hope is all about. It means this is not all there is.  There is something better and greater to come!  That hope has me running to church and sharing that same hope with others. I don't have to be drug to church because I have hope.  

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrew 11:1 

Have a great week high-heeled warrior!


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