The Snow Storm of the Century (No Man Knows the Hour)

Have you ever noticed that the minute a weather forecast calls for snow in the South, everything shuts down?  The stores empty of groceries, meetings cancel, and people postpone events.  This happens before severe weather even appears.  This week, the weathermen called for 6-8 inches of snow.  People went into a panic days before snow showed.  People prepared for the worst.  But instead of 6-8 inches, we got 6-8 snowflakes.  However, by the time everyone realized the storm wasn't coming, everything had already been cancelled.  In the book of Revelation from the Bible, it mentions that no man knows the hour when Jesus will return for His second coming to earth.  It won't be like a storm.  There will be no weatherman giving you warning that Jesus will be here at noon on a certain day.  So what can we do?   We prepare like a storm is coming.  1) We do inventory of our lives.  What isn't ready for Christ's return in our lives?  Do we need to make changes?  2)We let others know.  When a storm comes, we get on Facebook and warn everyone to get ready.  Christ is coming.  Get ready.  3) We find out as much information as we can to prepare.  With a storm, you watch 5 different weather stations to see if the storm's coming.  We should read the Bible so we can gather the correct information in order to be ready.  
     So even though we avoided a massive blizzard, we will all meet God, either through death or when Jesus returns.  Prepare for His coming!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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