Bird Box Challenge (Social Media Challenges)

I am currently typing this blog blind-folded.  Just kidding!  But I've noticed that the crazy trend of social media challenges are getting out of hand.  Kiki Challenge- I'll jump out of a moving car and spontaneously burst out in dance.  Ice Bucket Challenge- I'll dump freezing water all over myself.  Tide Pod Challenge- I'll eat poisonous laundry detergent.  In Indonesia, they are boiling tampons to get high off of the chlorinated water.  I wish I were joking, but I am not.  This one can poison you fast!  And now the Bird Box Challenge.  Yes, there are people blind-folding themselves like in the movie and trying to drive around.  I say "trying" because they are causing a lot of wrecks!  Why do we follow the crowd?  I've even noticed some people prefacing their challenge by saying that since everyone else is doing it, here goes.  This got my husband and I talking.  Did we do these stupid things as teenagers?  He said that he gargled Skin Bracer aftershave for 10 minutes on a dare.  He won $20 that he spent on sodas to cover the horrible taste.  He said he couldn't feel anything in his mouth for a while. (Don't try this at home!)  I remember that teens were car-surfing after watching Teen Wolf.  We had these problems, but we didn't have social media to spread the trends so quickly.  This is not to say that all challenges are negative.  Some are for good causes, but honestly, are you really thinking about the good cause when you do it?  Do you donate to the cause when  you perform the challenge?  So I am suggesting a new challenge.  It's the:  I'll think about what I'm about to do, and I'll question if it will hurt me, end my life,  or hurt my reputation before I do it challenge.  If it does any of those things, then I won't do it!  Kind of hard to fit in a post, but I hope it catches on.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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