My Husband Had One Foot in the Grave (Literally)...A Funeral to Remember

One of the duties my husband does as pastor is performing weddings and funerals.  An elderly man from our congregation passed away, so my husband was asked to perform his funeral.  My husband had the honor of being with him right before he passed away.  My husband sang a few hymns with the man, and even in his weakened state, he raised his hand and tried to sing and worship God with his last breath.  This made it easy to perform the funeral because my husband was able to tell the mourners that this man was ready to go be God.  After the graveside service, my husband walked to the casket and bent down to pull the flag that had slipped on the casket up.  Keep in mind that we have had a lot of rain.  Also, the grave had been dug slightly larger than normal.  As he bent down, the ground gave way and my husband began to fall into the grave!  With one leg in the grave, he caught himself on the casket.  Of course, someone from the funeral home rushed to help pull him out.  I like to say that he had one foot in the grave, but he pulled through!  He left the funeral unscathed, other than a pair of pants and shoes covered in red clay.  The story is funny, but the point is real.  We don't know when we will face the grave.  Make sure that you are like the elderly man.  Make sure that you are ready to face God when that day comes!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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