Super Bowl, Super Boy, Super Stressed?

This week could be considered momentous for many.  It is the Super Bowl.  For some that means snacking on stuff you would never put in your mouth during a regular day, standing in front of a television shouting at some team to perform, and (my favorite) watching commercials.  I'm going to be honest.  I don't even know who's playing this year.  I may sneak in for commercials, but that's as far as my football watching goes.  I am, however, a big watcher of a certain kid in my life.  My son, Andrew, turns fourteen tomorrow!  This kid always has a smile on his face.  When I was pregnant with him, I read that if you eat dark chocolate each day, you would have a happier baby.  So every day, I would eat a York Peppermint Patty.  He is my fourth child, so by the time I gave birth, he pretty much just flew out.  I remember my husband making me laugh.  The nurse begged me to stop laughing because I was literally laughing the baby out without a doctor present.  The doctor managed to catch him as he was laughed into this world.  As you can see from the picture, a smile is on his face.  As I celebrate my child growing up, I've learned some important things.  1. Don't stress over small stuff.  You spend so much time worrying that you miss out on enjoying those around you.  This brings me into the next point.   2. Time is short.  We have to make the most of the time we have because in the blink of an eye, kids are grown, and we are left with memories.  3. Take some time to laugh.  It got me through the stress of having a baby, and it has gotten me through the stress of parenting.  When I allow myself to find humor, even in the hard, I start to focus more on positive things than the negative.  A positive outlook changes the way you deal with people, how you cope with stress, and how you open  yourself up to others.  So for my birthday boy, "Keep on laughing and smiling.  It's like a medicine.  Not only does it chase away negative thoughts and actions, but it also spreads to everyone around you!  Have a wonderful birthday!"

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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