Do You View Others Through Your Hurt?

Have you ever put on someone else's glasses?  We all did it as kids.  We would find that family member with the coke bottle thick glasses and then try to walk around the room without walking into a blurry wall.  I always noticed that the way things appeared through those glasses were always distorted and not at all as things really were.  Why?  Because those glasses were never made for me to wear.  Have you found yourself viewing others through a distorted frame of mind?  You were hurt in the past by others, and now all you can do is remember that hurt when you see others around you.  You're afraid to trust, to move on, or to let go.  This distortion becomes the way you see all life around you.  God never intended for you to wear this pain.  It's like wearing the wrong prescription glasses.  God wants you to see others through His eyes.  What would that look like?  He would see the hurt that all are suffering.  Ever see an animal that is hurting?  They tend to strike out at the one trying to help them.  Ever see a person hurting?  They tend to strike out at the ones who are trying to help them.  Would I stop helping a person because they are mean to me or say hurtful things about me if I saw them through God's eyes?  What about if I saw sin through God's eyes?  I wouldn't pick and choose who was worthy of my forgiveness because sin would be sin.  All have fallen short, even me.  That means that I may not like their sin, but they still need a Savior, love, and compassion just as much as I need it.  Would I reach out more if I saw through God's eyes?  Corrie Ten Boom had survived a concentration camp and spoke of God's love to many.  She mentioned that the hardest moment of forgiving for her was after she had spoken in a church in Munich.  A man approached her and said how wonderful it was to know that as she said that our sins are at the bottom of the sea.  He reached out to shake her hand.  This was the hardest moment of her life.  Why?  He was a guard at the concentration camp where she witnessed such horrors, and this man was asking for her forgiveness.  She mentioned she remembered that forgiveness is an act of will, not emotion.  She asked for God's help and thought that she could lift her hand, but God would have to provide the feeling.  She felt the power of the Holy Spirit move through her and break off chains.  So I ask you, do you find yourself unable to forgiveDo you treat others with a prejudice because of a hurt from the past?  God doesn't want you to wear the glasses of unforgiveness, pain, and hurt any longer.  They were never made for you to wear.  Give them to God and ask Him to take it away today!

Have  a great week high-heeled warriors!


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