A Funeral and a Wedding

Today, I celebrated two very different things.  I celebrated the homecoming of one of the oldest ladies in our church.  This dear lady was 94 years old and went home to be with the Lord.  It was a very difficult thing to celebrate because she had such an impact on my life.  I knew that she loved and supported me through the good times and the hard times.  She had often spoke of when she died, but when the day finally came, it was still hard to let go.  I was very happy that she had finally been released from the earthly and flawed body to be with Jesus in peace, but I feel the gap from her absence in my life.  This had me thinking.  Do I leave a gap?  Do I live my life with purpose and intent?  If I were absent in someone's life, would I make enough of an impact to cause a gap?  This is something we all should strive to achieve in our lives.  My oldest son overheard this woman in church one Sunday.  One of the youth had sat on the back row beside her and my son.  He proceeded to get on his cell phone during church.  She murmured, "I survived the Great Depression.  I think you can survive 45 minutes without your cell phone!"  She was spunky, funny, and kind.  She will be missed, but more than that, she will be remembered!  This brought me to the other half of my day.  I was able to celebrate my parents' 50th wedding anniversary.  In this temporary age, it is amazing to be able to celebrate a commitment that spans that kind of time.  My parents have shown me unconditional love, no matter what kind of mess I've gotten myself into.  They've supported me, comforted me, listened to me when I needed to vent, and cried with me when I've hurt.  I've watched them work through hard times together and show me how to live with differences, conflict, and pressure and still stay faithful and in love.  I want to say, "thank you"  for demonstrating the kind of marriage I want and will work to achieve.  Happy Anniversary!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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