What Makes a Good Dad? One of My Most Embarrassing Moments...

One of the most memorable experiences of my life centered around my dad.  It is also one of the most embarrassing moments.  I remember that I had been around 4 or 5 years old and desperately wanted to be 10 or maybe even 13 years old.  I felt I was ready for one of the milestones of a young girls life- going to the bathroom without an adult.  Keep this in mind.  This was in the early 80's when the restrooms at Walmart were one room with a sliding bolt lock for the door.  I begged my mother to let my brother take me to the bathroom and stand outside, so she finally complied.  I practically skipped behind my brother all the way to the bathroom at the back of the Walmart.  After entering, locking the door, and going to the restroom, I had already begun to feel a little older.  With determination, I turned and pulled on the sliding bolt lock.  Nothing happened.  I jiggled.  I wiggled.  I pulled and pushed.  The bolt would not budge.  At this point, the moment of freedom changed into a claustrophobic nightmare.  The dingy walls were closing in on me.  My breathing became rapid, and tears began to fall down my cheeks.  By now, my older brother was tired of waiting on his pesky, little sister.  He beat on the door, asking what was taking me so long.   I cried, "I'm stuck, and I can't get out!"  He laughed, but then realized he would never get to return to the toy department if I didn't leave the bathroom, so he went for my father.  After a few minutes, I heard my dad's gentle voice trying to calm me through the bathroom door.  I tried to be brave, but with my panic came clumsy fingers.  I overheard him discussing with employees ways of getting me out of the bathroom.  When they mentioned taking the door off of the hinges, my father attempted to talk me through opening the lock one more time.  As his gentle voice encouraged me, I slowly followed each of his instructions.  I suddenly realized that I had been pulling the wrong direction on the sliding bolt.  When the door opened, I ran into my loving father's arms to cheers from what had become a crowd of people waiting to free the little girl trapped in the bathroom.  It was like baby Jessica in the well.  I was humiliated and, needless to say, decided that I could put aside growing up a little longer and go to the bathroom with my mom.  My father also made sure that I was quite adept at the sliding bolt lock.  This moment showed the gentleness and love that has always been with my father.  I have been blessed to have a father that loves me no matter what I do.  If I fall, he picks me up and encourages me to try again.  The amazing thing is that no matter how wonderful my father is, he is nothing compared to my Heavenly Father.  God saw me, his child, trapped in a life that was lonely and hopeless.  He gently called to me, but in my helplessness, I didn't always respond as I should.  Then He began to work out a way to free me from my prison of hopelessness.  As He gently guided me to His side with love and encouragement, I was able to accept His unconditional love through Jesus and get free!  I fall, but He picks me up and encourages me to try again.  His love will never decrease or disappear.  All I have to do is let Him love me and run into His arms.  

Happy Father's Day and have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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