A Lawn Mower, Crop Circles, and God's Direction

I am horrible at mowing lawns.  My daughter observed my freshly mowed lawn and commented that I created really great crop circles.  I start with the purest of intentions.  I create straight lines and a perfect cut that could rival a golf course; that is until I miss a patch of grass.  I'll look back to find a spot that I've missed, so I have to go back and get it.  This leads me off my perfect course and the path gets a little curvy.  At this point, I have to follow the curve, or I'll miss an area.  This continues until my once straight path is an amazing array of crop circles.  This makes me think of the path my life takes.  I follow the path God shows for me.  Everything seems to be going well, and then something pops up.  It may be issues in my past that I never dealt with properly, or maybe it's temptation.  Before I know it, I may be slightly off course.  If I turn back to God and deal with the issues in my life, I can get back on the path quickly.  However, if I continue to ignore the problems in my life or refuse to obey God, I'll find that I've spent a lot of my life going in circles.  I serve God.  I ask for forgiveness.  I get off the path.  I fall away from God.  I realize that I need God.  I ask for forgiveness and the whole thing starts again.  The Israelites did this in the Old Testament.  They would serve idols, fall away from God, and things would go bad in their lives.  God would raise up a prophet to point them back to Him, and they would ask for forgiveness and serve God again.  This would happen over and over.  What if we never got off the path?  What if instead of going in circles in our lives, we pursued God and allowed Him to direct us in the way we should go?  Things may not go smoother all the time, but at least you would have God with you in the middle of the hard patches.  We would also be left with fewer spiritual crop circles in our lives.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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