One of These Things Is Not Like the Others

Either this is the worst new flavor of water ever made, or this bottle of dish detergent is in the wrong place!  How do I know this?  The bottle looks different and doesn't perform the same as water.  As my children and I were doing some grocery shopping, we came across this display.  Right away, we noticed what was out of place.  This got me thinking.  As Christians, when people see us, do we stand out?  There's an old song that mentions people will know we are Christians by our love.  Currently, there is a lot of drama surrounding music and the way Christians act.  If we truly believe that when we die and we believe in Jesus as our Savior we will go to Heaven, then our lives should reflect more than just this world.  If all I had was this life that I am currently living and thought that this life was all there was, I would try to make it as comfortable as possible.  I would try to accumulate as much material wealth as possible because this would be all I ever got.  I would want to be famous, since this is all anyone would remember of me.  However, as a Christian who believes in Heaven, my moral compass is going to look different.  I notice that I can't take possessions with me when I die, but I can share my faith with others and see them eventually in Heaven if they believe.  Fame wouldn't matter because fame is temporary unlike Heaven.  Being comfortable and popular wouldn't be important because what is a little bit of comfort for a short time on this earth compared to pleasing God of whom I will reside with for eternity?  I would reach out to others, not to condemn them, but to try to make sure they too can have peace and unconditional love that comes from God.  I would be a lot like this bottle of dish detergent.  I wouldn't blend in with the world around me.  I would stand out because I would reflect Christ.  In case you haven't noticed, the things Christ stood for are not popular.  Turn the other cheek.  Forgive others when they wrong you.  Avoid the appearance of evil, not just avoiding evil.  Hate the sin, but love the sinner and show Christ's love so that everyone has a chance to know Jesus.  So I challenge you this evening to stand out by being the light in a dark world!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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