Fitbit Fake

My daughters are obsessed with this Fitbit craze. You can count your steps, watch your sleep pattern, and check your texts simultaneously.  I love the concept, just not the price. So against my daughters judgement, I bought a Fitbit fake.  I thought, "What could be so different?"  Plus, I saved one hundred dollars, so it had to be a winner.  I synced my phone to this activity tracker.  It didn't even come with a cool name.  Immediately, I noticed that it was tracking my steps (to the refrigerator).  I wore it through the day as I watched my life become more fit.  Once it was nighttime, I was really excited because I was hoping to track my sleep patterns.  I wanted to prove to my husband that his snoring was totally interfering with my sleep.  I put on my watch after a couple of hours of recharging and hopped into bed.  At about three in the morning, I heard this loud piercing sound that was identical to a tornado siren!  I jumped out of bed ready to drag my children into the hallway to safety.  However, I noticed once I started to wake up that the siren sounded much closer.  Also, there was no storm.  That's when it hit me.  The watch strapped to my arm was emitting a horrendous sound that only seemed to get louder.  I tried turning the watch off.  Nothing.  I tried plugging it into its charger.  Nothing.  I think I might have taken it to the bathroom, wrapped it in a towel, and closed the door.  The next day, I was going to find out what had gone wrong.  I pulled out the directions, and the first thing I noticed was a blurb mentioning that if you had trouble with the watch to not send it in.  They practically begged you to unplug it, charge it, or call the help line instead of sending it back to the manufacturer.  This made me wonder how many people were being launched from the bed in the dead of night by tornado siren-like sounds.  I would love to say that the makers of this activity tracker walked me through a simple process, and it worked like a charm.  That, however, was not the case.  I ended up putting it in a junk drawer and deciding that I didn't need to track my steps to the refrigerator that badly.  I found out that having an amazing product, but not being able to use it, is pointless.  You have an amazing product.  You have God's Word.  It will direct you.  It will guide you through tough times.  It will help you sleep better at night.  Here's the problem.  If you don't use it, it is the equivalent of throwing the benefits of following Christ into a junk drawer.  Following Christ is so much more than attending church or singing some songs to a driving beat.  It is a lifestyle of constantly relying on His Word to help you continue to follow Christ.  So I challenge you, don't throw the directions for your life in a proverbial junk drawer.  Put His Word into practice and get some use out of it!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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