The Cone of Shame- Can Correction Help Us?

My dog has been banished to the cone of shame.  A few days ago, my husband and I noticed that my dog was bleeding.  We immediately worked on stopping the bleeding and then bandaging this small gash on his leg.  The problem was that bandaids apparently taste yummy to dogs.  I had to rush to work, so I told my children to be on poopy monitoring.  They were to look for the evidence of bandaids in my dog's poop to make sure he passed them.  After two different episodes of eating his bandaid (he hid in the hallway once to do this), we knew we were going to have to take drastic measures.  We found a dog collar.  He hated it.  He wandered around knocking things off of tables, walking into furniture, and once he slammed into the back of my locked knees almost knocking me to the floor.  I think he enjoyed that a little bit.  If he hadn't licked his wounds continuously, then the collar would not have been needed, but he was not getting this.  Even though the collar felt like a punishment, it was there to protect his wound and help him heal.  There is a scripture in the Bible that talks about this.  In Hebrew 12:11 it says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." NIV.  Has God pointed out something that needs to change in your life?  Has he corrected you for being quick to anger, gossip, unforgiveness, or something else entirely?  Sometimes our bad choices cause some pretty bad things to happen in our lives.  We then blame God because of the consequences of our bad choices.  If I jump off a two-story building, I will have the natural consequence of getting hurt.  If I do something harmful to my life, bad things could eventually happen.  Did God cause this?  No.  I did through my choices.  If anything, God warned me not to make those bad choices.  But here is the great thing.  God promises that even though the enemy meant things for harm, He will work it out for good in your life if you turn to Him.  I can say that He has done this numerous times for me.  When God corrects you, it is to protect you from the natural consequences of those bad choices.  It may seem like He's out to get you, but He's actually trying to protect you and help you heal.  And when you are past the correction, you will experience a great freedom knowing you were spared the pain and are now free.  Now, if someone would just tell that to my dog.  

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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