When Your Children Cannot Find Anything...

Challenge: Can you spot the hidden item of clothing in the picture?  Neither could my son.  Why is it that 30 minutes before your child needs to be somewhere they suddenly realize they can't find something?  I even ask them the night before to get all of their stuff ready.  They respond, "I will."  And then, like clockwork, I hear, "I can't find my pants, or my belt, or my band shirt, or my shoes..."  You can fill in the blank with whatever your child can't find.  This causes you to spend the next crucial minutes with one eye on the clock and the other frantically playing hide and seek with whatever your child swears they had ready last night.  In case you didn't see it, my son's black belt is partially hidden behind my cat.  My cat can find it better than my son!  But, I have to say, it does make me feel valuable knowing my children still sometimes need me as they grow older.   Have you ever thought how valuable God is?  We spend our lives searching for peace, hope, purpose, fulfillment only to come up empty.  But then when we cry out to God, He immediately steps in and shows us all we've been missing.  I'm so thankful that God is all I will ever need to find.

                                                 Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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